Keeping Parishioners Safe

Tips For Dealing With Rats In Your Home

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Rats are a type of pest that no homeowner wants to deal with. Seeing a scurrying rat in your home can be very alarming, and it is also possible for rats to carry diseases that can pose a health hazard. Rats can reproduce very quickly, so it is important to be proactive if you suspect that there is a rat infestation in your home. Use the following tips to deal with rats in your house:…

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Termite Control Tips For Homeowners

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A termite infestation can have the potential to cause catastrophic structural damage to your house if it is not treated in a timely manner. While homeowners are often aware of the problems that termites can pose, they may not be knowledgeable about the steps for combating or preventing termites from causing this damage. Have Your Home Undergo A Termite Inspection On A Yearly Basis Termites will most often target areas of the home that are extremely difficult for you to see.…

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3 Common Spiders You May Find In Your Home

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When you think of spiders, you often think of the poisonous, frightening species. Spiders are common in the home and can be eradicated with the assistance of a pest control expert. Learning about 3 different types of spiders you are likely to see in your home can help you understand these 8-legged creatures a little better so you best know how to get rid of them. House spider As the name implies, this is a common spider found in the home that makes large cobwebs in upper corners of ceilings.…

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